What is something we would never guess about you? | Que hablo mucho. |
What is the worst food you ever ate? | Todas las comidas saben bien. |
How much would someone have to pay you to eat a live spider? | Nada, nunca me comería una araña ya sea viva o muerta. |
What is something that you recommend everyone tries at least once? | Hacer ejercicio y más de una vez. |
What do you dislike but have no good reason for disliking? | El puerco, viene del cerdo y puede causar muchas enfermedades. |
If you had a warning label, what would it say? | Advertencia. Chica estresada. :v |
What do you think is the most ridiculous invention that exists? | Ningún invento es ridículo. |
Would you rather be a famous singer/movie star or the next Einstein/Tesla? | Einstein/Tesla |